(LE) View of plate cannot be obscured so that the letters, numbers, First State, State of Delaware cannot be identified. Covers would be allowed if cover is clear. Delaware – (MV) Frames are allowed if no information is covered.Connecticut – As long as it in no way obscures the plates, it is acceptable.Covers and such gimmicks are illegal if they obstruct readability of plate. Colorado – (LE) Frames can be used if they do not obstruct year and date tab or numerals.(LE) Unlawful to cover a license plate in any matter, even if material is clear. California – (MV) Vehicle Code Section 5201 states that plates shall be mounted in a position to be clearly visible.Arkansas – Cannot place any type of cover over license plate which makes the license plate more difficult to read or reduces the reflective properties of the plate.28-2354 Section 2B states, “this states license plate is to be clearly legible so that the name of this state at the top of the license plate is not obscured.” Simply put the word, “Arizona” can not be obstructed, hidden or partially hidden.

Alaska – Statute states the plate will not be obscured.Alabama – As long as the characters are not covered, frames are permitted.Note “MV” = Department of Motor Vehicles and “LE” = Law enforcement. If you live in a state that only requires one license plate, then any style frame may be used on the front of the vehicle. Please keep in mind that laws do change, and it is still the responsibility of the consumer to verify the use of frames with local authorities. After some research, I have created a breakdown of the license plate frame laws in all 50 states.

We are often asked if novelty license plate frames or license plate covers are legal in certain states.